Mother and Son

Mother and Son
A Mother's Love

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Living Beautifully

I have fought with myself about how much I should share. I’ve decided to give you all of me, the truth and nothing but the truth.  I’m finally living a life of purpose through my work as a health and wellness coach and “curvy” advocate. It hasn’t been an easy road for me on this journey. My life has fallen apart a few times along the way. I have lost loved ones, friends and even myself. I have became a single mother and had to start all over not knowing how or what to do. When you have a little person looking up to you, you figure out what to do. You will see my changes as you read.
The most painful part of starting over is forgiving yourself. Putting the blame on others is the easy way out, which is what I would usually do. This time I decided to acknowledge my role in the mess that I called my life.  Forgiving myself and moving forward is the challenge and I accept.  Though it’s absolutely a daunting task, it’s ok. Allow yourself to feel the pain, the fear, the doubt and keep going. For me I know I’m destined for greatness. I didn’t always have the healthy self- esteem I possess today. I would sabotage myself not believing I was worthy of success. We all are worthy; there is nothing about me that is different from you.
Sharing my story is not easy, but I know that what I have to share can help someone else. Someone reading this can relate to me in some way. Unfortunately things happen in life that can completely knock you down and make you feel there is no possible way you can get up.  You can. You can heal; you can get through anything.  I’m a fan of Iyanla Vanzant and her amazing work. She says “Do the work”. So I’m saying it to you, “Do the work.” You know what you need to do; no one has to tell you.  No one can do it for you. Take the time to heal, to figure things out. I promise it will be the most liberating experience you will have. Remember there is NO TESTIMONY WITHOUT A TEST.
Live Beautifully,

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